PK RTU Pyrethrum Natural Insecticide Bottle 2L x6
Best for:
Indoor plants (except for delicate indoor plants such as African violets and maidenhair ferns)
Vegetables and ornamentals growing outdoors
- Aphids
- Thrips
- Caterpillars (including cabbage moth)
- Ants
- Flies
- Earwigs
- White fly
- Leaf hoppers.
Shake well before using. Do not use when shade temperatures are near 30 C or higher, or when soil is dry and plants are suffering from moisture stress.
Spray lightly when pests are first noticed and repeat at weekly intervals as long as pests are active. Spray all foliage including undersides of leaves. Avoid spraying under windy conditions or if rain is expected within 24 hours. Spray in the early morning or late evening. Do not use on young seedlings, or very soft young growth.
Do not spray directly on humans, pets, exposed food, food preparation areas or food utensils. Cover fish tanks before using. DO NOT allow chemical containers or spray to get into drains, sewers, streams or ponds.
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