Technical Pyrethrins

PK-250 Technical Pyrethrum Concentrate 25%

PK-250  is a  25% Technical pyrethrins active ingredient.

It is mostly used in formulation of aerosol pyrethrum products but can also be used for other products.

Make PK -250 your preferred active ingredient for all pyrethrins based end-use products.

PK-250 – 4Kgs

PK250 – 16Kgs

PK-500 Technical Pyrethrum Concentrate 50%

PK-500  is a  50% Technical pyrethrins active ingredient.

With unique world No.1 pyrethrum growing climate in Kenya highlands 2000 m above sea level and rift Valley volcano soil, you can be sure of balanced ratio PI:PII which gives your end products a superior performance.

It is used in formulation of pyrethrum products.

Carefully refined products with no solvent residues ensure pure and clean end product.

Make PK -500 your preferred active ingredient for all pyrethrins based end-use products.

PK-500 – 4Kgs

PK-500 – 16Kgs

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